Change in Plans

Change in Plans

Thursday, November 12th

Dear Fellow ‘Gatherers’ ~ As we continue to read and listen to our Governor’s suggestions and pleas to really cut back on all types of social interaction with others not in our “bubble”, and as we personally learn of local folks closer and closer to our ‘circle of friends’ testing positive for the virus, we’ve come to the difficult decision to suspend our backyard in-person gatherings till further notice. We probably didn’t have too many possible ones left due to falling temps, and it feels like the right and responsible thing to do in this moment, as we would never want to put our friends’ and families’ physical health in jeopardy. We realize this decision may affect some people’s mental and spiritual health (ours, too – we love hanging out with you!), so we plan to stay in touch through regular newsletters as well as discuss options for online gatherings going forward. We’d love your feedback about whether an online platform would be of interest to you. As you know, we weren’t crazy about the idea this past spring, but maybe we’ve gotten comfortable enough with Zoom and the like over these many months to entertain giving it a shot if there is enough interest! We deeply appreciate your continued financial support of Paths of Heart during this time and also want you to know we COMPLETELY understand if folks desire to pull back on that for the time being. This change of plans has us feeling a bit like the scorched trees in our beloved forests, but we know that growth and renewal will eventually follow.  Holding you in our hearts,
Colleen and Mark